Antony's 6th Legion
Los 4016
Mark Antony, 44-30 BC. Denarius (Silver, 17 mm, 3.82 g, 6 h), military mint moving with Mark Antony (Patrae?), 32-31. ANT•AVG - III VIR•R•P•C Galley right, with scepter tied with fillet on prow. Rev. LEG VI Aquila between two signa. Babelon (Antonia) 111. Crawford 544/19. CRI 356. RBW 1841. Sydenham 1221. Lustrous and sharp. The obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, good extremely fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The celebrated Legio VI Ferrata was raised in Gaul by Julius Caesar in 52 BC in preparation for the final confrontation against Vercingetorix, and served under Caesar in the struggle against the Pompeians in Spain and at Pharsalus. It was one of Caesar's favorite units, as he took this legion with him to Egypt, Syria and Pontus, where the 'veteran Legio VI Ferrata' won the day at the decisive Battle of Zela, as Caesar himself noted. The legion was disbanded with honors in 45 BC, its veterans being settled in Arelate (Arles), but it was reconstituted by Lepidus one year later, going over to Antony the next year. After Actium, Legio VI mostly served in the East, most notably in Palestine, until being disbanded more than three centuries later by Theodosius I.
150 CHF
800 CHF
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